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Inspired by "Bike Drawings from Memory," a concept created by the Italian artist and designer Gianluca Gimini living in Bologna, Italy.
Gimini invited random strangers from different backgrounds and various ages to draw a bicycle from memory. The results were hilariously honest!
But when viewing the accompanying graphic renderings Gimini designed, they became stunning images of design...and I couldn't stop looking at them. The one nagging feeling I couldn't shake was that these were 2-dimensional, and as beautiful as the were, they couldn't be physically touched or appreciated from all sides.
As I continued looking at these images over a period of months, I began to think more about producing one. I found an abandoned bike laying in the street, and as I passed it I thought "...if you're still here when I come back, you're meant for me."
So, I get the bike back to the workshop and a few days later begin deconstructing it down to the basic parts.
The main idea was not to mimic what Gimini has done with the drawings, but to create design from what the materials allowed me. Though I wanted to explore the visual characteristics that held my interest in Gimini's renderings ( i.e. bold colors, interesting shapes, glossy finishes, etc.) I felt it necessary if the Artbiek was to facilitate
a visceral reaction that makes the viewer feel as though this impossible contraption could be ridden.
The finished work was a bicycle, redesigned into a conceptual art piece. The motivation behind the FOUNDPUNK ARTBIEK is to share the reaction I had, and continue to have, when looking deeper at everyday objects such as bicycles. Realizing I've gained a new appreciation for those familiar designs.
Gianluca Gimini's renderings has given me inspiration and encourages me to take time and look at bicycles a little longer than I used to.
Thanx for viewing.
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